Deceptive Media
Deceptive Media > Tree Reflection [7]
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Mirrored Dandelion

Tree Reflection

Mirrored Dandelion

Red and Blue Pattern

Mirrored Dandelion

Blue and White pipe

Mirrored Dandelion

Broken Glass

Mirrored Dandelion

Yellow Brick Wall

Mirrored Dandelion

Southsea Pier Abstract II

Mirrored Dandelion

Mirrored Dandelion

Tree Reflection
Red and Blue Pattern
Blue and White pipe
Broken Glass
Yellow Brick Wall
Southsea Pier Abstract II
Mirrored Dandelion

Mirrored Dandelion

Another Dandelion shot, this time mirrored in PS to create the perfect Dandelion.

I’m thrilled to have won a Photobloggiie in the 2007 Photobloggies for Best Abstract Photography. I’m also very pleased to see Dave from Milouvision winning Best Landscape Photography. Congratulations to all the winners and runners-up.

Mirrored Dandelion Mirrored Dandelion Mirrored Dandelion Mirrored Dandelion Mirrored Dandelion Mirrored Dandelion Mirrored Dandelion