Deceptive Media
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Blue Reef


Blue Reef

Chawton Park Woods #4

Blue Reef

Chawton Park Woods #3

Blue Reef

Chawton Park Woods #2

Blue Reef

Bubbles Macro VI

Blue Reef

Bubbles Macro V

Blue Reef

Medstead and Four Marks Station

Blue Reef

Weathered Beams

Blue Reef

Ticket Booth

Blue Reef

Blue Reef

Chawton Park Woods #4
Chawton Park Woods #3
Chawton Park Woods #2
Bubbles Macro VI
Bubbles Macro V

Bubbles Macro V

Washing liquid, olive oil, water, and yellow ink, in a plastic beaker, shaken but not stirred. Shot from above, lit by the modelling lamps of my Interfit flash heads.

Medstead and Four Marks Station
Weathered Beams
Ticket Booth
Blue Reef
Blue Reef Blue Reef Blue Reef Blue Reef Blue Reef Blue Reef Blue Reef Blue Reef Blue Reef Blue Reef